Kaining Hu (胡恺宁), Ph.D. Postdoc Associate (2021.3-), email: kaininghu AT uchicago.edu

Kaining Hu obtained his PhD in Bioinformatics in 2019 and he is interested in genetics and comparative genomics.

Representative publications: Google Scholar

  1. Kang B, Yang Y, Hu K, Ruan X, Liu Y, Lee P, Lee J, Wang J† and Zhang X.† Infernape uncovers cell type–specific and spatially resolved alternative polyadenylation in the brain. Genome Research. 2023;33:1–14.

  2. Ruan, X., Hu, K., Zhang, X. (2023) PIE-seq: identifying RNA-binding protein targets by dual RNA-deaminase editing and sequencing. Nat Commun. 2023;14(1):3275.

  3. Hu, K., Xu, K., Wen, J., Yi, B., Shen, J., Ma, C., ... & Tu, J. (2019). Helitron distribution in Brassicaceae and whole Genome Helitron density as a character for distinguishing plant species. BMC Bioinformatics, 20(1), 354.

  4. Xu, L., Hu, K., Zhang, Z., Guan, C., Chen, S., Hua, W., ... & Ma, C. (2015). Genome-wide association study reveals the genetic architecture of flowering time in rapeseed (Brassica napus L.). DNA Research, 23(1), 43-52. (IF: 5.267) 

  5. Wu, Z., Hu, K., Yan, M., Song, L., Wen, J., Ma, C., ... & Tu, J. (2019). Mitochondrial genome and transcriptome analysis of five alloplasmic male-sterile lines in Brassica juncea. BMC genomics, 20(1), 348.