Yueya Zhang (张月雅), PhD, Postdoc Associate (2024.7 - ) Email: yueyazhang AT uchicago.edu

Yueya obtained his Ph.D. degree from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2024, where he primarily studied floral organ development in barley under the guidance of Prof. Dabing Zhang and Prof. Wanqi Liang. Upon joining the Zhang lab, Yueya's research focuses on the functions of the extended 3’ untranslated regions in neural development.

Representative publications (*Co-first authors):

  1. Yueya Zhang*, Chaoqun Shen*, Gang Li, Jin Shi, Yajing Yuan, Lingzhen Ye, Qingfeng Song, Jianxin Shi, Dabing Zhang (2024). MADS1-regulated lemma and awn development benefits barley yield. Nature Communications 15, 301

  2. Chaoqun Shen*, Yueya Zhang*, Gang Li, Jin Shi, Duoxiang Wang, Wanwan Zhu, Xiujuan Yang, Ludovico Dreni, Matthew R Tucker, Dabing Zhang (2023). MADS8 is indispensable for female reproductive development at high ambient temperatures in cereal crops. Plant Cell 36(1): 65-84.

  3. Yueya Zhang, Chaoqun Shen, Jin Shi, Jianxin Shi, Dabing Zhang (2024). Boosting Triticeae crop grain yield by manipulating molecular modules to regulate inflorescence architecture: insights and knowledge from other cereal crops. J Exp Bot 75(1):17-35.

  4. Yueya Zhang*, Jin Shi*, Chaoqun Shen, Vinh-Trieu To, Qi Shi, Lingzhen Ye, Jianxin Shi, Dabing Zhang, Weiwei Chen (2022). Discovery of DNA polymorphisms via genome-resequencing and development of molecular markers between two barley cultivars. Plant Cell Reports 41: 2279–2292.